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Tony's Poor Man's Diet Posted on March 04, 2014

In need of a different diet? Tony shares with us his healthy and affordable mean plan when he's in training! 


Poor Man’s Diet (HOT Meals)


  • Eggs and salsa w/ tortilla or toast (egg burrito/taco or sandwich)

  • Pop Tarts (toasted if you like)

  • oatmeal (w/ banana, berries, honey, PB, brown sugar, maple syrup)


  • Toast bread and make a PBJ

  • Toast bread and make a (meat) and cheese sandwich

  • Grilled Cheese sandwich

  • Eggs and salsa w/ tortilla or toast (egg burrito/taco or sandwich)

  • Get frozen chicken patties or burritos to heat up and eat

  • Leftover Dinner


  • Pasta w/ meat and sauce

  • Stir Fry

  • Burritos

  • Frozen Pizza


  • SMALL bag of chips

  • Granola Bars

  • Fruit (banana, berries, apple, pineapple)

  • Veggies (carrots, broccoli, peppers) (use ranch if desired)

  • Trail Mix (don’t just pick out the M’s)

  • Chips and salsa

  • Crackers/Pretzels w/ cheese

  • Yogurt


*Tony Wang is a freelance blogger for the More Miles More Smiles team!*


by Mark Spewak

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