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Running wisdom: Lucy's Perspective Posted on December 08, 2013


I can’t remember the last 5k I raced. I’m not training for a marathon or even a half. I just love to run.

Whether I’m bounding over sidewalks in the chilly Illinois winters, sweating in heat, or skipping over mud and ice, I treasure the hour I take out of my day to run outside. That hour is mine to adventure, think, breathe, and be myself. When I run, it’s the pounding of my heart and music or the sound of crunching leaves. I’m without my homework and obligations. If I’m crabby, I run. If I’m sad, I run. If I’m happy, I just want to run even more.

I usually run alone. Running gives you such autonomy. Outside, you decide where to go, which paths to venture along. Over the summer, I had my first true running buddy. At first I was a bit hesitant. What if I’m not fast enough? What if I don’t have enough endurance? A true running buddy understands that running is personal and respects your bounds. When we ran, I still felt the peace I feel running alone, but I became a better runner. The quiet times we spent together running helped us become closer friends.

You don’t have to be professional runner to enjoy running. You don’t have to run fast either. Running is my yoga. It’s how I recenter my brain and focus. With proper care, I hope I’ll be able to run my whole life.


 *Lucy is a freelance blogger for the More Miles More Smiles team. She is currently attending school at the University of Illinois. Follow more of her running story on twitter @LuceVern *

by Mark Spewak

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