Posted on September 23, 2014
Team More Miles More Smiles: Ryan Daily InterviewWe are excited to introduce our first member of team More Miles More Smiles! More Miles More Smiles is devoted to encouraging and supporting the every day runner and walker. Ryan Daily was a member of his high school's State Championship Cross Country team! Now he is training for the St. Jude Marathon in December! We couldn't be more pumped to have him on the team. Read his story below!
MS: What is your running background?
RD: I ran in high school and since then I have been casually training. I played golf and other sports in high school. Running has always been a passion of mine.
MS: What are you training for?
RD: The St. Jude Marathon on December 6th. The race is in Memphis Tennessee and it benefits an amazing cause. I am excited for their warm winter!
MS: What is your goal for the race?
RD: I am hoping to run around 3:10. My training is going really well so far and I really believe I am going to surprise myself on race day.
MS: Is this your first marathon?
RD: No, I have run one before in 2012. I did the Go! St. Louis Marathon but I didn't train for it. This time around I have a coach and am following a strict plan.
MS: Why have you decided to train with More Miles More Smiles?
RD: Mark Spewak has done a great job getting me out the door and supporting my running. I really appreciate the fitness so far. I really have the urge to get back into racing too. More Miles More Smiles has done a great job encouraging my training so far. I know they will continue to do so in the future as well.
MS: Do you have any advice for a new marathoner?
RD: You have to wake up in the mornings and get out there. There are going to be mornings that suck but you must understand it's all a process.
MS: Do you have any pre race rituals?
RD: One word...Hydrate!
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